A couple of weeks ago, Colin and I were on one of our many walks and we were going past our neighbors house when Colin spotted a car. You know those red cars with the yellow roof that every little kids seems to have. Well I have never seen Colin run so fast. He nearly knocked two little kids down in his pursuit of this car. He pushed a kid out of the way, jumped in, closed the door, and took off. Good thing I knew my neighbors and they were laughing at Colin instead of calling us in for grand theft auto. I apologized and they said to let him play for a little bit. Colin had a great time despite the fact that the other little boy kept opening the door and yelling "Boy Out!". Colin would just close the door and keep on trucking. Well after about 15 minutes I figured we better be going. Easier said than done. Colin was NOT happy. I decided we had better get our own car.
With perfect timing, my brother David called a few days later and said they had an old car that his kids couldn't play with anymore and asked if Colin would like it! Of course we said yes and now Colin is now the PROUD owner of a green convertible. He loves this car. In fact the day my brother brought it over it was raining and Colin could care less about that fact and drove up and down the driveway with Grandpa Stack in the rain. We are now expert drivers, honk the horn on comand, and look how serious and skillful he is about backing up. Thank you Uncle David!
Today Colin said "Bubble" for the first time. The kid is really starting to pick up on words and is making his mom and dad very proud. Here is a picture of him "blowing bubbles". Blowing bubbles sounds so nice and it should unfortunetly, blowing bubbles with Colin is not such a relaxing event. First, Colin really likes to soak the wand really well, getting as much soap as possible on it. He then proceeds to whip it out of the bottle very quickly. Warning! Step back at this point because you are likely to get soap in your eye, hair, all over your clothes, etc. There have been many afternoons that I have been soaked with "bubbles". Next, take another step back because this kid means buisness. He whips that wand around so hard that we are lucky to see one bubble. He also whacks whatever is close to him. Today it happened to be the green convertible. If you look at his face you can see the force he puts into this. Blowing bubbles at our house is a dangerous event, especially to poor Tracker but Colin loves it and now he says "Bubble" so how can I refuse him the opportunity to waste half a bottle of soap, soak his moms clothes, and give anything close to him a black eye. He sounds so cute when he said "Bubble".
On our walk today Colin got to hold his very first roly poly. I really love showing Colin new things and I am always looking for opportunities to do this. As soon as I saw this roly poly I grabbed it and showed Colin how to let it crawl around in his hand. Colin was very intrigued by this. I should have known when that roly poly immediatly rolled into a ball upon entering Colin's hand that this would not end well. Colin dropped the roly poly several times and picked it up each time. Finally, the roly poly started to crawl around in his hand and I started to say "oh good boy, be nice to the roly poly" and looked away for one second to look at my pictures. That is when that poor roly poly met its end at the fingers of my 16 month old. In the one second I turned away Colin grabbed the roly poly and in true boy fashion smashed it between two fingers. I am sorry roly poly family. I promise to leave all of your alone from this point on.